Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer solstice

Ok so one of my more interesting RPs hopefully, here you will see the characters that i make and stuff like that, enjoy.

Academy Warlord
~ Shaffa

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The life of Herion: P1

Herion is a rat that has grown up around violence as you will see, now with out giving to much away its time to start the stories.

He makes his first appearance in danflorreguba's RP "the mountain under siege" at the age of fifty-nine, a metal smith who has an apprentice named Shilone. 

Profile (profile in this story)
Name: Herion 
Species: rat
Gender: male
Weapons: bronze hammer
Affiliation: Neutral
Occupation: underground metal smith
Appearance: black with a white chest
Personality: shy, very sneeky and only aggresive when cornered
Age: 59

                    Herion's apprentice opened the hatch to the underground smithy, fresh air filled the room. 
Shilone, his apprentice laid the supplies on the table. Some wood, wire, thick branches and feathers. 

"For a metal smith why are you fletching?" the apprentice asked.
"I know many trades, some of which I will teach you... if you listen and watch." replied Herion while rubbing sharp rocks down the side of the wood. The smithy was lit by eight candles, five in the main room of the smithy another two in each small room for Herion and Shilone. The last candle flickered next to his old armor*.

Two weeks later 

Herion looked at his master piece, the re-curve bow was lined with pure copper and the bow itself was made of the finest wood in Mossflower. The arrows were fletched just to the peek of perfection.
"It has been a long time since I have made a bow." Herion pointed out.
"Its a pleasure to have helped you on it master, now who is the recipient?" asked Shilone.
"A young raccoon by the name of Corka*, she is in Redwall Abbey."
"Master!" He snared "You wouldn't make me deliver this to the enemy, would you?".
"While your working as my apprentice you have no enemies, now complete this last task for soon you will become a travels-men and be independent. But till then you work for me." Herion ordered. With that Shilone picked up his crossbow, the package and left the smithy heading for Redwall Abbey.

"That rat!" He whispered. Herion started to prepare for bed, first he had to clean up the smithy and blow out the candles. He walked up to the candle next to his armor, tears running down his snout he blew and the flame died.

Next day

"You down dere?" A strange creature asked.
"Why yes I am, who be asken mate?".
"Me friends calls de Shine." The creature replied "I'm in deed of a spear, cans you makes me one?".
"Of course I can, eh... come back in a day, it will be ready for you." Herion answered. He picked up a rod and started heating it. Other work kept him busy, but with out shilone things moved slowly. He was a great youngen, a little quick for his own good but his company keeps herion happy. Because when Shilone is gone, misery is Herion's only company.

He heard someone open the hatch to his underground smithy. "No one is supposed to be here." Herion whispered to himself while rushing to his war hammer which lays next to the armor. He could hear the intruder climbing down the ladder, hammer in paw he turned to face the him. There was not one intruder but four, a former solder named Fellen with his group of vermin.

"Making weapons for the enemy is... very dangerous." Fellen stated.
"What? What have you done to shilone?!?" Herion yelled with great intensity.
"A little bop on de heed is all one needs." One of the vermin remarked, the others grinned.
"Quite!" Fellen ordered the vermin "Now, its time for you to pay for the crime you have committed.".
"Then at least I will die a free rat!" Herion murmured .
"Die? Who ever said we were going to kill you?" Snared Fellen.

Herion threw his bronze war hammer at one of the vermin, spinning around the smithy he picked up the spear he'd been working on. Fellen pulled his long sword out of his sheath, flipping it around (he is now holding it by the blade) swung it at Herion's head and hit him with the handle. The blow knocked the old rat down, unconscious. Herion woke up tide to a chair, his hammer lay on the other side of the room. One of the vermin, presumably the one he hit walks up and slaps him.
"Enough... now its time for you to be punished." Said Fellen. Herion looks and sees him grabbing a poking iron from the furnace, its red tip glowing in the dim of the smithy.
"Hold em' still boys." He ordered, all went black Herion couldn't see a thing and in a flash Fellen and his vermin were gone. Tears running down his snout, but this time the pain was different and he was alone. He laid on the floor somehow he was untied from his bindings, alone for hours crying for an end to come. A noise echoed threw the smithy... it was the sound of someone climbing down the ladder. "They've come to finish me off." He thought.

"Master!" Shilone yelled running up to him.
"Shilone, Shilone, Shilone." He kept murmuring.
"The package, it was stolen from me... i'm sorry I was unable to complete the task." He apologized while getting on his knees and holding his wounded master.
"Its ok... none of that matters now... I dont have long... i'd like to tell you something
before I go..".
It wasn't untill now that Shilone realized the true damage the vermin inflicted on his master "What is it?".
"I... I never had any children of my own... and ever since you've been my apprentice..." Herion grond and cried. "You've been like a son to me, I know... that we have had some ruff times... but please just remember the good tim...".
Silence filled the smithy "Master? Master! Nooo!" Yelled Shilone, tears running down his face he held his former master a little longer. He looked at the grave in memory of Herion "I vow to get vengence for you." He whispered. Quickly making his way back to the underground smithy, Shilone started fletching a new bow, more arrows and bolts for his crossbow.

*leave comments asking for more about Herion when he was a fighter or anything if you want to know more!
*Corka is a Character made by "Wisteria Wild Cat" who is awesome. lol.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hey guys! I love some of my characters so much that I've decided to make some art and add their part in the stories created by you guys, thanks guys and galls of Redwall!! :)

Note: If I draw a picture of a scene which has your character in it, I know he/she/it will not be what you imaged because I will be using the details you've provided and my imagination to draw him/her/it so please don't be offended in anyway. :)